AllPeopleQuilt UFO Challenge 2015...progress report

Good morning! Haven't posted in a while...I've been experiencing the hardship of having your spouse working out of state Monday thru Friday...there's always lots to do around the house.  And I fight almost all of the cleaning duties! I don't like cleaning, but I don't want hubby coming home to a messy house, you know?!

However, I've gotten the hang of using Instagram! I know crazy! I'm learning...about the different modes of social! Has the world changed since I was a child!

Anyho, I've been participating in the AllPeopleQuilt UFO Challenge 2015...I think I've posted some previous month...currently still working on February's project! I've had a slight setback...I'm ripping out the border!

Here's the pic:

This months challenge number is: 3

For me, it's the Halloween cross stitch project which I purchased last fall at my local needle specialty store! Great place...I love going there!! Can't wait for my next visit...probably this late spring!

Here's where I left off on this project:

I'll be juggling the two projects until they are both accomplished at the end of the month!

I have a lot more going on...but I'll wait for another posting! 😊

Hope evey ones has a great day!