A weekend a way...

Hubby and I spend the last weekend in Fargo, ND.  We had so much fun!  We planned the weekend around the Kid Rock/Bob Seger concert...the weekend went something like this:

Arrived in Fargo; only after they had re-opened Interstate 94 because of weather related accidents.  Here's a pic of a semi trailer on it's side...with a tow truck ready to haul it off.

After we got checked into the hotel, we walked over to the Fargo Air Museum; 

We walked because the snow was falling so hard...and it was only a block or so away...

Went out to dinner with Tim's daughters family...here's a pic of Eric and Brittany's...adorable girls!

Odessa came with us; so Saturday we took her to a couple Dog Parks in the Fargo area.  We loved the Dike East Dog Park...located down by the river.  She had a lot of fun playing with a couple of dogs which were there when we arrived.

Then we went to a second hand store; here's what I found:

Then Tim took me to Nordic Needle; it was the first time I've been there...I had a lot of fun...because of the $$$ I spent...Here's what I got:
fabric to start the Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow

found these patterns in the clearance room!
Also, found these 7 Gypsies for scrapbooking in the clearance room! and scissors...because I  wanted to start a collection...and the polka dot case was free when I spent 30$ dollars.
This picture on the pattern doesn't do it any good; the sample has hanging in the store...I saw it...and loved it! Can't wait to do it up!

Odessa was pooped...she walked herself into her kennel...which never happens...

Headed home...ah, home sweet home...

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