Labor Day of Cross Stitching...

Well, I'm here...time has provided me with a lot of it since hubby has been out of town! I have spent my time keeping household business in order...or at least trying to do so! It seems to be a cat and mouse game to keep things up to know?!

I have planned my days accordingly with daily tasks...sometimes those tasks fall by the wayside, only to be picked up another day...but in the end all tasks are DONE! And the house is clean! 

I have worked diligently for 2 reason: keep myself busy and keep myself busy...I happy to say it has kept my mind of hubby being out of town.  But I’m happy to report the house has been spit shined and is ready for my VIP on Thursday...I am beyond excited to see hubby! BEYOND! Excited!

Since I have worked so hard to get things in order I have rewarded was a day of rest and CRAFTING!  I've been working on some projects for Christmas...since it's almost around the a matter of perspective, it's almost right around the corner.  One of the projects are cross stitch stockings for my brothers family!  And yes, I know I shouldn’t get too overjoyed but have one ALMOST accomplished!  But I'm over the moon with the small success...I will finish stitching this stocking in a matter of hours...but I need to order the charms which compliment it.  I wonder if there's a chart which indicates the placement of the beads and charms...looks like I will need to investigate.

Thank you for stopping by my blog; have a great evening!

Elisabeth's Stocking Charms

AllPeopleQuilt UFO Challenge 2015...progress report

Good morning! Haven't posted in a while...I've been experiencing the hardship of having your spouse working out of state Monday thru Friday...there's always lots to do around the house.  And I fight almost all of the cleaning duties! I don't like cleaning, but I don't want hubby coming home to a messy house, you know?!

However, I've gotten the hang of using Instagram! I know crazy! I'm learning...about the different modes of social! Has the world changed since I was a child!

Anyho, I've been participating in the AllPeopleQuilt UFO Challenge 2015...I think I've posted some previous month...currently still working on February's project! I've had a slight setback...I'm ripping out the border!

Here's the pic:

This months challenge number is: 3

For me, it's the Halloween cross stitch project which I purchased last fall at my local needle specialty store! Great place...I love going there!! Can't wait for my next visit...probably this late spring!

Here's where I left off on this project:

I'll be juggling the two projects until they are both accomplished at the end of the month!

I have a lot more going on...but I'll wait for another posting! 😊

Hope evey ones has a great day!

American Doll Clothes...for my nieces...

I've been waiting to post this pics of the American Doll clothes which I whipped up for my families late Christmas celebrations; here and there I've been collecting the remnants of fabrics for JoAnn Craft Store...picking only the fabrics and such which catch my eye.  Here's some of the latest fabric:

Some of them, I have ideas on clothes which I'll create with them...others, just like them...thought they would be great outfits for their American Dolls.

But here's a couple of outfits I created for Christmas and Morgan's Birthday!

2015 UFO Challenge...for February Progress Report

Originally, I thought I had posted the next challenge, but I guess it was only posted on my Instagram account!

So the challenge continues, as  you may know, a number is posted the 1st Monday of each month.  These numbers corresponds with a monthly listing of UFO which the participants created shortly after the beginning of the year.

If you still want to participate, check out the details:  2015 challenge

February has been here for 2 weeks...and like I said I thought I posted the challenge via my blog, but I was wrong...

Anyho, this month's number is 7!

And here's the pic from my instagram account:

It's been a slow start for me...and I still want to keep with the theme of getting UFO projects I'll end here...

I must go stitch!


enjoying my time...

Hello's me again! I've been working on some things...

For the past couple of years, I've enjoyed making holiday cards for my takes off the stress of the holidays...and I can have fun making cards.  I coordinated  several challenges...mainly because they provided inspiration...that's the only reason!

Here's a listing of the challenge which I participated in:

Merry Monday #140: Create a card using a snowflake

And here's the cards I created using the challenges:

I modified the sketch slightly, so I could create a shaker card.  They are so much fun to create..hopefully, you can see the snowflakes in the shaker?!

I did use another sketch to create my nephew's belated birthday card:

Oh, before I forget, I did manage to complete my Vintage Christmas Quilt...remember, the one which I was hmmm and a a-hmmm about...well, a lot of the times, I don't end up doing anything...instead of JUST DOIN' IT!

So as a result, I machine quilted the quilt...and got the binding done...and was able to hang it! 

This little huddle will provide a nice foundation for things going forward...I hope! Besides, my hubby loved it...and really...that's all that matters!

And it's the first accomplishment for 2015 challenge:

I will was an easy start, but I got it done!

Anyho, here it is:

Hope you enjoy your day! For's the last day of vacation! Pooo! So back into the craft room I go to enjoy the last bit of the fun!

the first of 2015...

Goodness...where have I been? Tis the season, right?! Well, I'm back...and have decided to only post once a week, preferably, on Thursday.  

The other day, I was browsing on Facebook; I came across an interesting had posted a challenge for 2015...12 UFOs, 12 get it done!  Here's how it works: print of the PDF, fill in 12 UFO projects which you want to complete, then a number (1-12) is drawn each month. The number drawn corresponds with the number on the project list...(please note: it's includes all craft projects).

Here's the link to the challenge for more specific information: 2015 UFO Challenge

Well, I have enough project for at least several....several years.  And quite frankly, I want to decorate my well as give gifts...

Stay tuned for my progress...