Spending some quality time with you...

This weekend...all the stars were aligned and I was the luckiest star of all...I got to spend some quality time with my best friend, Stephanie...via Skype, of course!

We had been missing one another for several months...and because of the Portland weather, which included snow, snow and more snow, we had the chance to craft for 3 hours!  She worked on some cards and I worked on a mini scrapbook album that I saw on MySistersScrapper channel on YouTube...I love her videos...check it out!

Anyho, the mini scrapbook was created from a tutorial from Elsa at JustaFewDesigns: follow the link: Mini Scrapbook album

I really liked creating the album; I would do another one...for sure! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love how the book turned out (the mini wooden bird looks so cute)!!!
