that's what I'm talkn' about...

Without any further adieu, here is the completion of Simply Live by Primitive Needle.  If you remember this project is a gift for my Secret Santa on my hubby's side of the family.  I was under the weather before x-mas, so I wasn't able to complete it.  I'm very happy to have this project completed...very exciting!  I'm even more excited that I purchased enough linen to cross stitch this project for myself.  The Valdani threads are just yummy!

Project Name: Simply Live
Pattern Maker: Primitive Needle
Threads: Valdani
Linen: 36 ct. Legacy

Talking being under the weather, Minnesota has entered a C-O-L-D snap.  Check the temps out:  In particular, tonight's tempertures:  YIKES, now that's frick'n cold!  And all I can say is, "Only in Minnesota" bites. :-)

Until then,



  1. Congratulations on the finish! It's fantastic!

  2. Congratulations on this beautiful finish! Are you really going to stitch the same pattern a second time?

  3. Hey, bet I'm going to stitch another...beautiful threads...gorgeous linen...need I say more...however, I'm going to get some other projects completed first...

    thank you for visiting my blog (my neighbor to the north)! :-)
